.....On mY SouL! GOD iS GooD =NoThinG tO dO ACTUALLy pLenTy thaT NeeDs tO bE DoNe.. jusT No EneRGy tO Do iT. --iT taKeS nO eNergY tO PLaY iN PhoToShoP. i LOvE mY MaC
it does take energy but when things are done with love that is the energy the trick is to love everything especially your self then the energy is there
(not that i have mastered this but they say if you can't do it, you can always teach it)
You are spectacular also….and very funny!!!
It's perfect !!!
it does take energy
but when things are done with love
that is the energy
the trick is to love everything
especially your self
then the energy is there
(not that i have mastered this
they say if you can't do it,
you can always teach it)
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