Tuesday, January 13, 2009


WhaT caN i SaY?
EvErYthinG's O.K.
I don'T feeL LiKe doinG aNy thinG buT SLeeZPzzzzz
buT i FeeL LiKe iF i don'T geT uP (ouT oF bEd) aNd
Do SoMethinG thaT LiKe wheN i uSeD tO geT higH{stoNeD oN ddddRugggSSS}
Then wheN i finalLy dO {get uP=coMe doWn} theN thinGs wiLL bE BaD/WorSe thaN BeFoRe
BecauSe MoMenT bY moMenT i thinK i'M iN HeaVeN wheN i'M jusT eXisTinG==
EaTinG aNd SLeePinG...
oH weLL,,,,,

1 comment:

neene said...

it's really only perception
this thing about bad & worse
but what does change
as a result of inactivity
is the fear of activity
don't you think this daily process helps that?
creating something everyday
having that little responsibility outside yourself
it's what eases me beyond those fears
i become engaged
and then mementum takes over