Thursday, October 15, 2009

~#36=(365-329)≥X y seguir².

WeLL, i knoW thiS iS NoThinG biG jusT a PersoNaL NoTe:
i'M oFF thE caFFeiNe {agaiN}--{sort oF LiKe a smoKeR} {i'Ve doNe thiS befoRe]
i waS uP tO 10-12 cuPs /daY + a feW ReD BuLLs tO boOt......EVERYdaY----
i waS geTTinG a droPshiPmenT froM two CoffEE Co.s aNd visiTinG StarBucKs oNce a daY....
buT thE otheR NighT i PasseD a kidneY stoNe oR gaLL stoNe oR sOMethinG sO froM noW oN iT mighT bE aN oCCasionaL cuP buT noT thE oVerdoiNg oF iT aNyMoRe......
`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````ToDaY aNyWaY............

lasT YeaRs

[[[[[ 2 mE thE deSK LooKs LiKe a SpiNeT PiaNo ~aT firsT gLanCe-?-
weLL, mY PiCs aRe mY MusiC,,,
suRe 'nuFF ]]]]]


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