Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~#62=(365-303)≥X y seguir².

{ RighT HeRe ; RighT noW: } aHoRiTa--ToDaY¬

¬ ThiS TanGLe thaT G_D haS WeaVeD musT bE uNraVeLeD ¬

WhaT shOWs heRe wiLL/shouLd fiLL abouT 2ea. 33 gaL. barreLs:
theN theRe iS abouT 30 moRe barraLLeLs (barreL fuLLs) beHinD thiS VieW........................hahahahahaah! `````````````````¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬[ same ]>>>>>>>

``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````aS mY FatheR wouLd haVe saiD: "i'Ve goT mY worK cuT ouT foR mE"
...........................................................................................acTuaLLy mY worK heRe iS cuTTinG thiS uNhoLy MeSS ouT!..........+
beLOw¬ = a YeaR aGo …¬

ªThanK YOU, JESUS!)}]
¶PEACE ouT•••••••

1 comment:

neene said...

i have my yard work cut out for me too
and i am not doing it
tempting the fates
and the diving temperatures