Monday, April 26, 2010


jusT a PhoTo aNd a LiTTLe PhoToshoP foR gooD MeaSuRe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

VeRy dePreSSeD=
No eNerGy
=NoT a DraP,
jusT wanT tO sLeeP iT oFF
i gueSS iT'S sorT oF LiKe a hangoVeR==excepT louD noiseS don'T botheR mE..
a hoLLow / eMpTy /YeT expLosiVe feeLing BehinD mY EyeS \\
aLternaTinG wiTh a NauSea iN mY StoMacH
iT iS jusT a FeeLinG oF malaise |məˈlāz; -ˈlez|
a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify

HeP C reaRiNg iT's uGLy heaD.....

aNd YeT iF i'M HoriZoNtaL==theN-- i'M FiNe
jusT thinking abouT geTTinG uP brinGs oN thE aboVe NauseA


1 comment:

neene said...

such an emotive and somatic description
i hope this has receded way into the background
i know
you know
i understand this very well