Friday, May 29, 2009

FriDaY eXtrA

ouT frOM tHe BacK BaThRooM WiNDoW

`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Matthew 6:26^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ThE BluE JaY biRds aRe visitinG ... hadn'T sEEn theM foR awhiLe
=aBouT 6 haD a bReaKfaSt oF waLnuTs i puT ouT foR theM..
(TheY aLmosT aTe iT ouT oF mY HanD..)
((MaYbe theY aRe NesTinG iN thE 'JunGLe' aGaiN?))

1 comment:

neene said...

since i let the cats out into the garden, i can't try to feed the birds
we have tons
a beautiful cardinal couple
and some jays
and now...