Wednesday, August 19, 2009


2~for WedNeSDaY frOM PB=
i'M a waLkin' in PacifiC BeacH\whiLe MoMa geTs neW fiNgeRNaiLs (aNd heR FeeTs massaGeD)

=[ aBoVe ]^^^^^SaTuRaTeD MuRaL {beHiNd} & shirT {oN}++++++¬¬¬¬¬¬[ beLoW ]= StraighTeNeD WiNdoW w/reFLecTioN¬¬¬

a BeauTiFuL DaY foR a WaLk
A bEAUtifUL dAy tO bE aLiVe...
a niCe daY tO bE iN LoVe
^ ^ nOt thaT i wouLd kNOw```
aNythiNg aBouT thaT!

∞GOD iS GooD†

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