Thursday, September 17, 2009

~#8=(365-357)≥X y seguir².

.........................................................5=(fiVe)={V} iS a CrOWd!
`````````````````````````````````````````````````ReFreSHmenT iN The JungLe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ThiS PiC waS taKeN bY an AuToMaTiC IR TriGgeR seT uP
[ mE thiNKs thaT thE depTh oF FieLd waS noT sufficienT tO geT thE cLoSeR oNeS iN FoCuS..]

^ 1=ABovE^ +2=beLOw¬••••••••••••thiS YeaR / RighT HeRe / RighT NoW/ ReaL TiMe / @ thiS PoiNt iN.....

^ ^^^^^^^^^^aBOVe^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ aLoNe = HeaVeN ( iN sOMe waYs )( aNd NoT iN OtheRs )
@ The LaunDryMaT {laundromat} =LaundreTTe/ WashaTeria =
--LeT mE ThiNKkkkkkkkkkkk--------> NiCe!.....................

3= 1 YeaRs aGo=•••••••••••••••••••••••• "ViSioN" = =3/beLOW¬ 1 Yr. AgO¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
••oH mE
•oH My
= SeLF
∞GOD iS GooD†
CreaToR oF ALL
∞HE∞ loVes mEeeeee
I LOVE YoUuuuuuuuu

______________________________________________________________'GiNGeR sP.' =(Zingiberaceae)
===========================================+TODAY: iT's= "OPeN"

------------------------------------------------------------------>reFeR tO "YeSTeRDaY"=Wednesday, September 16, 2009¬¬¬beLOW¬¬

1 comment:

neene said...

and i love that this is becoming more blog like
it has more of the rhythm of life