Tuesday, June 16, 2009


1/2 a DaY aT mY oLd "hOMe aWAY frOM hOMe"
=The MicRo MeDia PrePaRaTioN LaB
``````````````````````````````````````VoLunTEER l3iLL
......................................................................................................ThKs 2 Shraddha 4 the PiCs

BeLieVe mE i did N0T jusT staNd aRounD liKe ^^^thiS ^^^ foR 40 (gLoRiouS) YeaRs
i PuMpeD, MaN.....sEE beLoW....

i musT haVe maDe seVeraL MiLLioN oF theSe^^^^
aNd VariouS oTheR forMs oF cuLtuRe MeDia (iNcluDinG 'bLooT cooLtooRa' BottLeS)
foR thosE NaSty LiTTle iNfeCtiouS BuGs
===wE weRe iN thE busineSS oF saViNg liVeS!!!
[[Didn'T paY MucH buT iT waS fuN aNd WorThwhiLe..]]

GOD iS GooD!

1 comment:

neene said...


i'm impressed